This article will serve as an accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date resource on Burger King headquarters. Here, you will learn information about the Burger King corporate office such as the physical location of the headquarters, Burger King’s email address, their phone number and other useful information.
Burger King Headquarters Info
Burger King is a chain of fast food restaurants that specializes in selling burgers, chicken sandwiches, and French fries. Burger King boasts over 13,000 locations that can be found throughout 91 countries and territories across the globe. Between these numerous locations, Burger King employs a total of around 2,420 people.
The corporate Burger King address for its headquarters is located in Miami, Florida, at 5505 Blue Lagoon Drive. In this corporate office, there are three main executive team members.
Burger King Executive Team
CEO: Bernardo Vieira Hees
CFO: Daniel S. Schwartz
COO: Flavia Faugeres
How to Contact Burger King Corporate Office
Below, you can find information on contacting the Burger King corporate office:
Burger King Corporate Office Address: 5505 Blue Lagoon Dr., Miami, FL 33126
Burger King Corporate Office Phone Number: 1-305-378-3000
Burger King Corporate Office Fax Number: 1-305-378-7262
Burger King Corporate Office Contact Email: Burger King offers an email contact form.
Burger King Corporate Office Website:
Burger King Headquarters Useful Links
If you were not able to find what you needed above regarding Burger King’s headquarters, we have provided you with more ways to give feedback to Burger King or to ask your questions.
Burger King Headquarters Website
Burger King Headquarters Contact Form
If you have any thoughts, questions or general comments regarding your experience with the Burger King corporate office, we would love to hear it! Leave us a note in the comments section below.
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