Verizon is one of the leading cellular phone and data plan providers, and is said to do business with approximately 100 countries across the globe. Following is a comprehensive, accurate, and up to date detailing of contact information for Verizon headquarters, including email address, Verizon corporate phone number, names of executive team members, and more.
Verizon Headquarters Info
The Verizon corporate office is located in New York City, New York. The exact Verizon corporate office address is:
140 West St.
New York, NY 10013, USA
Verizon employs 155,400 employees in their offices as of 2017. Their parent company is Verizon Communications, and they have a number of people on their executive team. The main members of this team can be found below.
Verizon Executive Team:
CEO | Lowell C. McAdam |
CFO | Matthew D. Ellis |
CCO | James J. Gerace |
How to Contact Verizon Corporate Office
Below, you will find additional ways to contact the Verizon corporate office.
Verizon Corporate Office Address | 140 West St., New York, NY 10013, USA |
Verizon Corporate Office Phone Number | 1-212-395-1000 |
Verizon Corporate Office Fax Number | 1-212-517-1897 |
Verizon Corporate Office Contact Email | or |
Verizon Corporate Office Website | |
Verizon Headquarters Useful Links
If you’re interested in directing your feedback to the Verizon headquarters, or wish to further relay questions or concerns to the Verizon corporate office, you can do so here:
Verizon Headquarters Website | |
Verizon Headquarters Contact | Form |
Verizon Facebook Page | |
Verizon Twitter Page | |
Once you’ve contacted the Verizon corporate office, come back to our site and let us know about your experience, along with any questions or comments you have.
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